- 部隊列隊開走了。
The troops lined up and marched away.
- 奧運會以參賽各國運動員的列隊行進開始。
The Olympic Games begin with a parade of all the competing nations
- 士兵們列隊接受軍官的日常檢閱。
The soldiers lined up for their daily inspection by their officers.
- 軍隊或行列隊伍的排頭部分。
the front of a military formation or procession.
- 在列隊行進時因懷疑有炸彈而引起恐慌。
There was a bomb scare during the procession
- 軍隊或行列隊伍的排尾部分。
the back of a military formation or procession
- 連長命令那一組人緊接著最後那個排列隊。
The company commander ordered the group to form on the last platoon.
- 剛才我看見解放軍戰士列隊出發。
I saw the PLA men file away a moment ago.