拼音:liè biàn 英文解釋:
【化】 fission中文解釋:
原子核的分裂(如利用中子轟擊),尤指當某些重元素(如鈾和鈽)分裂成近似相等的幾部... >>
查看“裂變”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
nuclearfission 2.
disintegration 3.
breakup 4.
scission 5.
decay 6.
atomicfission 7.
desintegration 漢語造句:
- 慢化劑一種物質,如水或石墨在核反應堆中用來減緩中子運動速度和提高裂變可能性的物質
A substance, such as water or graphite, that is used in a nuclear reactor to decrease the speed of fast neutrons and increase the likelihood of fission.
- 細胞的裂變可以通過某些化學藥品加以抑制。
The fission of the cell could be inhibited with certain chemicals.
- 但是用核聚變方法代替核裂變方法之後,這一困難將得到解決。
But with the use of fusion instead of fission, that difficulty is resolved.
- 活性區,堆心核反應堆中發生裂變的地方
The part of a nuclear reactor where fission occurs
- 哈恩,奧托1879-1968德國化學家,由於他在原子核裂變領域的成就而獲1944年諾貝爾獎
German chemist. He won a1944 Nobel Prize for his work on atomic fission.
- 受核裂變或聚變
To undergo nuclear fission or fusion.