拼音:liào dài 英文解釋:
【化】 bag; pocket中文解釋:
出門人隨身攜帶的用以裝乾糧、錢物的袋子。《水滸傳》第五七回:“ 呼延灼 把腰裡料... >>
查看“料袋”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 我們回收我們所有的塑料袋。
We recycle all of our plastic bags.
- 當心別讓那些塑料袋直接受熱。
See that direct heat does not play on the plastic bags.
- 太空人們用塑料袋、紙板和膠布製作了一個連線器。
The astronauts made the connector from a plastic bag, cardboard, and tape
- 用消毒液噴灑在塑料袋表面。
Spray the outer surface of the bag with disinfectant.
- 我把它放進塑料袋里。
Let me put it into a plastic bag for you.
- 每件裝一塑料袋,半打為一盒,十打裝一木箱。
Each piece in a polybag,half doz in a box and 10 dozens in a wooden case
- 作為權宜之計,他用塑料袋把漏洞給包上了
As a temporary shift, he covered up the leak with a plastic bag
- 他將刮臉用具放入塑料袋內。
He put his shaving things into a plastic bag