拼音:liàn yóu chǎng英文解釋:
【化】 processing plant【經】 oil refinery
(1) ∶將包裝車間的廢料、廚房的動物脂肪以及牲畜的肥肉或網油煎熬成工業脂肪和油... >>查看“煉油廠”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.oilrefinery(plant) 2.petroleumrefinery 3.oilplant 4.processingplant 5.oilplant例句:
- 石油通過輸油管輸送到煉油廠。The oil is carried to the oil refinery by pipelines.
- 他已經屢次提出申請,要求批准他參加建造那座大型煉油廠。He has put in repeated requests for permission to help to build the big oil refinery.
- 石油工業的特徵是它有一點點危險性,所以煉油廠的廠址總在遠離人口集中的地方。The oil industry is marked by an element of danger, hence the siting of refineries at a distance from population centres.
- 他被那家煉油廠解僱了。He was dismissed from the oil refinery.