拼音:lián xiǎng英文解釋:
associate with; connect in the mind【醫】 association; association of ideas
因一事物而想起與之有關事物的思想活動 >>查看“聯想”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 似貓的在柔軟或在鬼祟的行動中令人聯想到貓的Suggestive of a cat, as in suppleness or stealthiness
- 將概念以獨特的方式進行聯想是產生獨創性的關鍵。The association of ideas in original ways is the key to creativity.
- 神碼與聯想:服務成敗“兩重天”Digital China Vs Lenovo:the Myth of Service
- 尼祿的名字使人聯想到殘忍。The name of Nero is associated with cruelty.
- 似蒸氣的,蒸氣狀的讓人聯想到蒸汽的或與蒸汽相像的Suggestive of or resembling vapor.
- 說“聯想”On "Mental Association"
- 我們想到埃及就聯想到尼羅河。We associate Egypt with Nile .
- 樹林的,象樹林的屬於、關於樹的,具有樹林特徵的或引起對於樹林聯想的Of, relating to, characteristic of, or suggestive of the woods.