- 如果我連年努力工作,最後會得到什麼呢?金錢、地位和他人的尊敬?
If I work hard for years, what will I wind up with? Money, position and respect?
- 這個國家連年戰爭元氣盡失後,已開始慢慢恢復正常狀態。
The country, prostrate after years of war, began slowly to recover.
- 這個國家連年戰爭元氣盡失後,已開始慢慢恢復正常狀態。
The country, prostrate after year of war, begin slowly to recover.
- 連年大旱
a great drought for successive years
- 連年歉收使小農陷入了一貧如洗的困境。
A succession of bad harvests had reduced the small farmers to penury.
- 連年歉收使小農陷入了一貧如洗的困境。
A succession of bad harvests had reduced the small farmers to penury
- 連年乾旱
successive years of drought