- 在野營中吃了兩星期的罐頭食品,現在我真想吃一頓象樣的美味飯菜。
After eating out of packets and tins for a fortnight while camping. I'm really looking forward to a decent square meal.
- 我大約兩星期見他們一次。
I see them about once a fortnight.
- 他的生日是兩星期後的星期一。
His birthday is Monday fortnight.
- 請訂一張去布賴頓的兩星期回程的二等來回票。
A two-week return to Brighton, second class, please.
- 那個不受歡迎的電視節目只播了兩星期就結束了。
That turkey of a TV show was off the air after just two weeks
- 接獲訂單之後,兩星期內即可交貨。
Delivery can be made within two weeks after we receive your order.
- 這場大雨使道路的修建延緩了兩星期。
The heavy rain set back the building of the road by two weeks.
- 下次會議是定於兩星期內召開嗎?
Is the next meeting due to be held in 2 weeks?