拼音:liǎng tóu 英文解釋:
both ends; both sides
(1) ∶兩端甘蔗沒有兩頭甜(2) ∶兩方面我招誰惹誰了,弄得個兩頭受氣 >>
查看“兩頭”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 正如把繩子的兩頭給溺水的人一樣有用。
It is as helpful as throw a drowne man both end of a rope
- 資本主義:你有兩頭母牛,你賣了一頭,然後買了頭公牛。
CAPITALISM You have two cows You sell one and buy a bull
- 需要兩頭大象才能把這些木材拖走。
It will take two elephants to drag all the wood away.
- 需要兩頭大象才能把所有的木材拖走。
It will take two elephants to drag all this wood away.
- 極好雪茄一種中間粗兩頭尖、長度標準的雪茄
A cigar of standard length, thick in the center and tapered at each end.
- 兩頭獅子被他的槍擊倒。
Two lions fell to his gun.
- 【諺】腳踏兩條船,兩頭要落空。
Between two stools you fall to the ground.
- 兩頭蛇,安菲斯畢那身體兩端都有頭的蛇
A serpent having a head at each end of its body