拼音:liáng shuǎng英文解釋:
cool; coolness中文解釋:
涼快黃昏的涼爽 >>查看“涼爽”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 涼爽的微風;涼爽的女襯衣A cool breeze; a cool blouse
- 你就待在陰涼處吧, 那兒比較涼爽。Keep in the shade; it's cooler.
- 涼爽、多陰涼的樹林The shadowy interior of the barn
- 這涼爽的水使我們精神振作。The cool water refreshed us.
- 哇,你這個地方真(涼快/涼爽/冷)。A: Wow, you keep this place (cold/ cool/ freezing)
- 輕微的風(通常是涼爽的)。a slight wind (usually refreshing)
- 昨天天氣涼爽。Yesterday was a cool day
- 火車一開, 一陣涼風吹來, 我們頓感涼爽.As the train began to move a pleasant draught cooled us all down