拼音:liàng biàn英文解釋:
quantitative change【醫】 quantitative alteration
事物在數量上、程度上的變化。是一種逐漸的不顯著的變化,是質變的準備。 毛澤東 《... >>查看“量變”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 玉米秸稈NDF與ADF含量變化規律的研究Study on Changing Low of Contents of NDF and ADF in Corn Straw
- 增量變量值微小的正或負增長A small positive or negative change in the value of a variable.
- 增量變量值微小的正或負增長A small positive or negative change in the value of a variable
- 使瀑布水量變少Break a fall
- 創傷急性期血漿內CCK-8,VIP,SS,GAS含量變化Changes of plasma CCK-8,VIP,SS,GAS during acute stage of trauma
- 蕪湖市近30年耕地數量變化特徵分析Dynamic Analysis of Total Amount of Cultivated Land in Wuhu City
- ②各組大鼠左右半球及血漿中伊文氏藍含量變化。②Changes of Evans blue content in both hemispheres and plasma of rats.
- 城市化對南京市區域降水量變化的影響Influence of urbanization on regional precipitation of Nanjing City