拼音:lè shì 英文解釋:
amusement; delight; joy; pleasure中文解釋:
得意事;使人高興或滿意的事享受傾聽他談話的樂事 >>
查看“樂事”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 收到你的長信真是一件樂事。
It was a real treat to receive your nice, long letter.
- 這是蜂擁而至欣賞少林盛況的遊客的樂事。
A delight for tourists to flock to the spectacle and color of Shaolin.
- 她的音樂事業就從此開始了。
Her career began from then on.
- 看這些表演節目對我來說是一大樂事。
These performances are a great treat to me
- 對她來說, 觀看女兒在節目中表演舞蹈是件樂事。
It is a delight for her to watch her daughter dance in the show.
- 你把款捐給村莊作為基金, 看作是義務還是樂事
Do you consider contributions to the village funds a duty or a pleasure
- 逛逛商店、欣嘗櫥窗里琳琅滿目的商品確實嘗心樂事。
Window-shopping can bean enjoyable way to relax.
- (非正式)擾亂他人的樂事的人。
(informal) someone who spoils the pleasure of others.