拼音:lěng yù 英文解釋:
cold reception; cold shoulder; disesteem中文解釋:
冷漠的禮遇遭到冷遇 >>
查看“冷遇”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 由於公眾對藝術不感興趣, 那個作品備受冷遇.
The philistine attitude of the public resulted in the work being abandoned.
- 他料想會受到她的冷遇,於是避免和她說話。
He avoided speaking to her, expecting a rebuff
- 他的粗魯行為使他經常遭受冷遇。
His rude behaviour subjects him to frequent rebuffs.
- 這叫什麼招待會!我真覺得受到了冷遇。
What a reception! I am sure I feel a draft.
- 她的建議受到冷遇。
Her suggestion received a rather unenthusiastic welcome
- 我受到了冷遇。
I was given a cold welcome.
- 我討厭遭受無言的冷遇。
I hate to be given the silent treatment.
- 他想討好她,卻遭到了她的冷遇。
He tried to shine up to her, but she gave him the cold shoulder.