拼音:léi tíng 英文解釋:
thunderbolt; thunderclap; wrath
(1) ∶疾雷響振雷霆動九天(2) ∶比喻人的盛怒或聲威極大大發雷霆雷霆之怒 >>
查看“雷霆”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 假使朱庇特每當有人犯罪就大發雷霆的話,他手上的雷霆便會即將告磬。
If jupiter hurled his thunderbolt as often as men sin, he will soon be out of thunderbolt.
- 我父親大發雷霆。
My father went into a rage.
- 大發雷霆
a flare of temper
- 你母親看到你把家裡弄得這樣亂七八糟的,一定要大發雷霆。
When your mother sees the mess you’ve made of the house, she’ll do her nut.
- 年輕的店員丟了包裹,雜貨店老闆對他大發雷霆。
The grocer turned on the shop boy who had lost the parcel.
- 我因他遲到而大發雷霆。
I got mad with him for being late.