拼音:lèi de英文解釋:
lachrymal; lachrymatory【醫】 lachrymal; lacrimal; lacrimase; lacrymal
1.lachrymatory 2.lacrymatory 3.briny 4.lacrimate 5.lacrimatory相關對話:
- 有淚水;以含淚的方式。with tears; in a tearful manner
- 她說那還真是一部讓人掉淚的電影呢。She said it was a real tear-jerker
- 在葬禮上很少有人不落淚的。There are hardly any dry eyes at a funeral
- 我聽到別人的嘲笑,我嘗到了眼淚的滋味。I hear the laughter,I tast the tears.
- 報紙後面,是一張流了眼淚的臉。Back of the newspaper,it was a tearing face
- 報紙後面,是一張流了眼淚的臉。Back of the newspaper,it was a tearing face.
- 每一個女孩都是一個無淚的天使Every girl is a tearless Angel
- 了解眼淚的價值。Understand the value of tears.