字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>了不起的的英文翻譯


拼音:liǎo bù qǐ de


marvelous; amazing; extraordinary; smash; splendid


  1. 我於是就開始叫他“切斯特菲爾德大人”和“了不起的蓋茨比”。
    Then I begun to call him as "Lord Chesterfield" and "The Great Gatsby".
  2. 她游泳橫渡那條河是十分了不起的壯舉。
    It was quite a feat for her to swim across the river.
  3. 不好意思?我只想讚美一下你那了不起的裝飾布置。
    Excuse me,I just wanted to compliment you on the stunning decor.
  4. 科學是了不起的事情,要重視科學。
    Science is a great thing, and we should recognize its importance.
  5. 翻兩番是個了不起的事情。
    This is a matter of utmost importance.
  6. 那真是一個了不起的舞會。
    That was quite a party
  7. 很多年的精進修習後,他成了一個了不起的佛教大師。
    He worked hard for many years and finally became a great Buddhist
  8. 這一系列的繪畫真是了不起的成就。
    The series of paintings is quite an accomplishment.
