拼音:láo shén英文解釋:
bother; pay attention中文解釋:
謂使鬼神勞苦;耗費精神(有時用做請託的客套話)勞神照顧一下 >>查看“勞神”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 今晚他若不來, 我就不用費心勞神了。I mustn't trouble if he doesn't come tonight.
- 勞神照料爐上的牛奶, 別沸濺了。Please keep an eye on the stove in case the milk boils.
- 被一件勞神的工作弄得精疲力盡Exhausted by a demanding job
- 我就坐在大廳一側,犯得著勞神給我發電子郵件嗎?Why are you emailing me when I sit across the hall?
- 我不得不謝絕費時勞神的邀請。I have had to fight shy of invitations that would exhaust time and spirits.
- 我為何要為此費心勞神呢?Why should I trouble about it ?