拼音:láo kǔ de英文解釋:
1.toilful 2.careladen漢語造句:
- 勞苦的一生通常是聲望和成功的代價。A life of toil is generally the price of fame and success.
- 凡勞苦的人,都到我這來。Come unto me,all ye that labour.
- 勞苦的一生通常是聲望和成功的代價。A life of toil is generally the price of fame and success
- 可是在大體上說來,他們也許比那些工作勞苦的人更不快樂;But on the whole, perhaps they are less happy than the hard-working people;
- 6問為你們多多勞苦的馬利亞安。Greet Mary, one who has labored much for us.