拼音:lǎo diào 英文解釋:
hackneyed theme; platitude; the tune the cow died of
指重複多次的使人厭煩的論調老調重彈 >>
查看“老調”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 勿老調重談。
Harp not for ever on the same string.
- 啊,羅瑟琳知道你對她的愛情完全抄著人云亦云的老調,你還沒有讀過戀愛入門的一課哩。
O, she knew well thy love did read by rote and could not spell.
- 老調重彈,浪費時間。
It is useless to flog a dead horse.
- 這嘛,恕我直言,將不外是老調重彈罷了。
It would, so to speak, be beating over the old ground.
- 他們近來一直在重彈“緩和”的老調。
Of late they have been harping on the same string of "détente."
- 老調重彈
harp on the same string
- 老調重彈
strike up an old tune