拼音:lán qiān英文解釋:
【機】 blue lead例句:
- 我用一隻紅藍鉛筆。I use a blue and red pencil.
- 在“藍鉛筆”中形容詞“藍”修飾名詞“鉛筆”。In "blue pencil", the adjective "blue" qualify the noun "pencil".
- 用藍鉛筆校訂或刪改用藍鉛筆或好象用藍鉛筆核訂、校訂、修改To edit, revise, or correct with or as if with a blue pencil
- 他用藍鉛筆在紙上劃了線。He lined the paper with a blue pencil
- 用藍鉛筆校訂或刪改用藍鉛筆或好象用藍鉛筆核訂、校訂、修改To edit, revise, or correct with or as if with a blue pencil.