拼音:lā lì英文解釋:
pull【機】 tensile force; tension
(1) (2) 牽引的力量(3) 指物體所受的拉牽之力 >>查看“拉力”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.tensilebreakingstrength 2.towingforce 3.stretchingforce 4.tractiveability 5.tension(preload) 6.tractionforce 7.tensileforces 8.tensileforce 9.pullingforce 10.pullweight 11.tensilestrength中英例句:
- 引力的拉力取決於物體的大小,或者更確切地說,取決於質量。The pull of gravity depends upon size, or, more accurately, upon mass.
- 這台拖拉機拉力大。The tractor pulls well.
- 英雄們的達喀爾之路——記2007達喀爾拉力賽中的卡車The Real Hero on Dakar Road
- 月亮的牽引力;水流的拉力。the pull of the moon; the pull of the current.
- 在螺旋狀的彈簧上依靠拉力稱物體重量的秤。a balance that measure weight by the tension on a helical spring
- 離心機的內拉力the inward pull of a centrifuge
- 在螺旋狀的彈簧上依靠拉力稱物體重量的秤。a balance that measure weight by the tension on a helical spring.