拼音:lǎ bā英文解釋:
bugle; horn; loudspeaker; speaker; trump; trumpet【電】 horn
(1) ∶一種木管樂器,上細下粗,最下端的口部向四周擴張,嗩吶的俗稱(2) ∶銅... >>查看“喇叭”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.horn 2.bugle 3.loud-speaker 4.trump 5.speaker 6.acoustichorn 7.signalalarm 8.hooter相關對話:
- 汽車的喇叭響了。Car horns blared.
- 開車的人在快要轉彎時按響了喇叭。The driver tooted his horn as he approached the bend.
- 喇叭吹響了。The trumpet sounded.
- 他吹了兩三聲喇叭。He blew two or three loud notes on his bugle.
- 喇叭洪亮的聲音把他嚇了一跳。He was startled by the brazen notes of the horns.
- 當小男孩走到汽車前面時,汽車司機按響了喇叭。The driver blew his horn when the child stepped in front of the car.
- 警察通過他們汽車上的喇叭向人群喊話。The police addressed the crowd through a loudspeaker on their car.
- 喇叭齊鳴。The trumpets blared out.