拼音:kǔ zhàn英文解釋:
struggle hard中文解釋:
艱苦地戰鬥或鬥爭 >>查看“苦戰”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.roughgoing 2.difficultcampaign漢語造句:
- 半個月的競選日子已經過去,真刀實槍的艱苦戰斗現在開始了。Fifteen days of campaigning are left and the real pitched battle now begins.
- 經過幾天的苦戰,高低把涵洞修好了。After days of hard work, the culvert was at last completed.
- 苦戰失利後,船長降旗投降。After hard unsuccessful fighting, the captain of the ship struck the flag.
- 「你的攻擊實在不留餘地!剛才真是苦戰。」"Your attacks are relentless! That was a painful battle"