- 數據處理工作人員的一名成員,他負責組織和維護庫檔案以及庫檔案的存取。
A member of data processing staff who is responsible for organizing and maintaining library files and controlling their access.
- 使用資料庫功能,通過ODBC記錄數據庫檔案.
To use the database function, register the database file thru ODBC.
- 用VC++給DBF數據庫檔案加密及解密
Encription and decription of DBF with VC++
- 顧客數據庫檔案如下面所示。
A customer datebase file as shown in the following
- 用PASCAL語言計算數據庫檔案各欄位的記憶體地址
The Calculation of the Addresses of Fields of DBF file in PASCAL Language
- 用低級檔案函式直接存取數據庫檔案的方法
The Method of Direct Access to Database File Using Low-grade File Function