拼音:kū sù英文解釋:
complain tearfully; sob; sob out; whine; yammer中文解釋:
哭著訴說或控訴 >>查看“哭訴”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.SOB 2.blubber相關對話:
- 她在哭訴她的遭遇。She is sobbing out her sufferings.
- 不要哭訴了,孩子!Stop whining, child!
- 她哭訴著她兒子的死。She sobbed out the story of her son's death.
- 哭訴惱怒地或抽噎著抱怨;哀訴To complain peevishly or whimperingly; whine.
- 女孩對父親哭訴自己的傷心事。The girl wept out her grief to her father.
- 她向母親哭訴著自己的傷心事。She wept out her grief to her mother.
- 她哭訴了她的戰爭經歷。She sobbed out the story of her war experience.