- 產於澳大利亞昆士蘭州東北,高,攀爬,具刺。
tall scrambling spiny palm of northeastern Queensland Australia.
- 昆士蘭州
State of Queensland
- 生長在昆士蘭州和新南威爾斯州的一種非常高大的樹。
very tall tree of Queensland and New South Wales.
- 朱娣在去昆士蘭之前已經寫完了那本書。
Judy had finished writing the book before she went to Queensland.
- 他的遺體已經運返位於昆士蘭東南小鎮比爾瓦的老家。
His body was returned home to Beerwah, a hamlet in southeastern Queensland.
- 昆士蘭生產的原糖繞過中間商直接供應給深加工提煉廠。
Queensland sugar is sold directly to refineries, not through trade houses.
- 於是我到澳洲昆士蘭去訪問這位鱷魚獵人。
I went to Queensland, Australia, to ask the Crocodile Hunter himself.
- 1987年,喬·波傑克-彼德森在就任澳大利亞昆士蘭州總理19年後辭職。
Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen resigns as Premier of Queensland after 19 Years.