拼音:kuā zhāng英文解釋:
exaggerate; overdo; magnification; overdraw; overstate; pile it on; puff【法】 stretch
誇張法。一種修辭手段,指為了啟發聽者或讀者的想像力和加強言語的力量,用誇大的詞句... >>查看“誇張”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.exaggerate 2.pileiton 3.puff 4.overstate 5.overdoit 6.inflation 7.overdo 8.overstatement 9.slingthebull 10.drawitstrong 11.exaggeration 12.pretension 13.vaunt 14.grandiosity 15.heraldry 16.largeness漢語造句:
- 根本沒有必要這樣肆意誇張。There is no need to indulge in such heroics.
- 模仿一種誇張或怪誕的模仿,如對一個文學作品的滑稽模仿An exaggerated or grotesque imitation, such as a parody of a literary work.
- 輕喜劇一種輕鬆的戲劇形式,其中極為荒謬可笑的情節背景,誇張的角色和一些鬧劇的成分以表現幽默的效果A light dramatic work in which highly improbable plot situations, exaggerated characters, and often slapstick elements are used for humorous effect.
- 滑稽的場面演得太誇張。The comic scenes were overdone.
- 這劇的滑稽場面太誇張了。The comic scenes in the play were overdone.