拼音:kuān yù英文解釋:
ample; well-to-do中文解釋:
(1) ∶富裕(2) ∶充足 >>查看“寬裕”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 我錢很寬裕,能幫助她。As I had plenty of money I was able to help her.
- 我們預留二十分鐘寬裕時間,以防汽車晚點。We allowed a margin of twenty minutes in case the bus was late.
- 作為一名大學生,瑪麗手頭不寬裕。As a college student, Mary is short of money
- 我們預留二十分鐘寬裕時間,以防汽車晚點。We allowed a margin of twenty minutes in case the bus was late
- 凱茜:那我的生活確實會寬裕一些。Cathy: That will be really helpful to my life.
- 不寬裕的預算A lean budget