拼音:kuān sōng de英文翻譯
- 托加袍古羅馬男性公民在公共場合穿的寬鬆的由一塊布製成的外衣A loose one-piece outer garment worn in public by male citizens in ancient Rome.
- 寬鬆的褲子,工裝褲常由堅固織物製成的寬鬆的褲子,前有圍裙的上部分,肩有背帶;常穿於普通衣服外面以擋塵土Loose-fitting trousers, usually of strong fabric, with a bib front and shoulder straps, often worn over regular clothing as protection from dirt.
- 披風,斗篷一種寬鬆的外衣,例如斗篷A loose outer garment, such as a cape.
- 無袖長披風帶有圓領並可脫卸披肩的、長而寬鬆的外套A long, loose overcoat with a detachable cape having a round collar.