字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>寬容的的英文翻譯


拼音:kuān róng de


easy; good-tempered; lenient; tolerant


1.forbearing  2.forgiving  3.clement  4.charitable  


  1. 開明的贊成改革、接受進步新思想的,對別人的思想和行為寬容的;心胸開闊的
    Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
  2. 不拘泥於教條的持有或發表寬容的見解,尤指在宗教問題上
    Holding or expressing broad or tolerant views, especially in religious matters.
  3. 隨著逐漸成熟,許多年輕的激進分子對生活和社會漸持較為?em>砣蕕奶取?
    As they mature, many young radicals mellow into a more tolerant attitude towards life and society.
  4. 寬容的以視野的開闊或接受程度為特點的;寬容大量的
    Marked by breadth or tolerance of views; broad-minded.
  5. 寬容的態度
    A tolerant attitude
  6. 那次不尋常的經歷使鮑勃變成一個耐心、寬容的人。
    That unusual experience has turned Bob into a patient and tolerant person
  7. 而很多男人需要的只是一個如康乃馨般溫情寬容的妻子。
    But many men need a warmhearted and good-tempered carnation to be his wife
  8. 寬容的傾向或能夠原諒的
    Inclined or able to forgive.
