拼音:kuáng luàn英文解釋:
swivet【醫】 agriothymia; corybantism; derangement; frenzy; furor; fury
(1) ∶錯亂失魂狂亂(2) ∶昏亂狂亂的心情(3) ∶猛烈而紛亂風大了,路旁的... >>查看“狂亂”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.swivet 2.agriothymia 3.corybantism 4.frenzy 5.nympholepsy中英例句:
- 在一陣痛恨的狂亂中,他殺死了敵人。In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy.
- 暴跳;橫衝直撞使用暴力的,狂亂的行動或表現A course of violent, frenzied action or behavior
- 狂亂一種狂烈的精神騷動或瘋狂的狀態A state of violent mental agitation or wild excitement.
- 狂亂的晚會攪得屋裡一塌糊塗A wild party that created havoc in the house
- 向出口處一陣狂亂的擁擠A frenzied rush for the exits
- 被狂亂、迷魔占據的人。a person seized by nympholepsy