拼音:kuài lè 英文解釋:
enjoyment; felicity; happiness; jocundity; joviality; pleasance; pleasure
歡樂。指感到高興或滿意快樂的單身漢 >>
查看“快樂”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
joyfulness 2.
joviality 3.
jocundity 4.
riancy 5.
happiness 6.
pleasance 7.
joy(oneofthesevenmodesofemotion) 8.
delight 9.
felicity 10.
frisk 11.
delighted 12.
delectation 13.
gaiety 14.
jamboree 15.
jollity 16.
delightfulness 相關對話:
- 她快樂的個性使她成為這個郡最受歡迎的女孩。
Her jocund character made her the most popular girl in the county.
- 他是個和藹而快樂的人。
He is a friendly jovial fellow.
- 財富並不一定帶來快樂。
Money doesn't always bring happiness.
- 憂患和快樂他都經歷過。
He has known both grief and happiness.
- 謹向我們所有的讀者敬祝聖誕快樂!
A merry Xmas to all our readers!
- 祝你生日快樂!
Happy birthday!