- 我剛才親眼見到調酒師用上好品牌的金酒和苦艾酒調兌的。
I saw the bartender fix it with the best brands of gin and vermouth.
- 來杯不甜的苦艾酒或是不甜的聖地曼雪莉酒如何?
How about a Dry Vermouth or a Sandemant-Dry Sherry
- 那么我推薦甜苦艾酒和杜邦內葡萄酒。
Then I recommend the Sweet Vermouth and Dubonnet.
- 曼哈根雞尾酒一種由甜苦艾酒、威士忌和些許苦艾酒調成的雞尾酒
A cocktail made of sweet vermouth, whiskey, and a dash of bitters.
- 六份杜松子酒和一份苦艾酒加冰。
Six measures of gin to one of dry vermouth on crashed ice.
- 來杯不甜的苦艾酒或是不甜的聖地曼雪莉酒如何?
How about a Dry Vermouth or a Sandemant-Dry Sherry?
- 與苦艾酒相似但是不包含苦艾的酒。
similar to absinthe but containing no wormwood.
- 歐洲的一種蒿草;是苦艾酒的次要來源。
European wormwood; minor source of absinthe.