拼音:kuài bǎn英文解釋:
allegretto; patter中文解釋:
曲藝的一種,詞兒合轍押韻,唱時用竹板打拍子 >>查看“快板”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.allegro 2.mosso相關對話:
- 比行板快但比快板慢的拍子。a quicker tempo than andante but not as fast as allegro
- 快板,順口溜滔滔不絕的、快速的言語,如拍賣商、小商販或喜劇演員等的言語Glib, rapid speech, as of an auctioneer, a salesperson, or a comedian.
- 不太慢,速度處於小廣板與小快板之間的節拍。a moderately slow tempo (a walking pace)
- 說快板兒perform a kuaibanr ballad
- 快板,順口溜滔滔不絕的、快速的言語,如拍賣商、小商販或喜劇演員等的言語Glib, rapid speech, as of an auctioneer, a salesperson, or a comedian
- (指節拍)比快板更快。(of tempo) faster than allegro.
- 第一樂章是傳統的交響樂快板。The first movement is a conventional symphonic Allegro