拼音:kòu yā英文解釋:
detain; hold in; distrainment; distraint; seize; sequester; sequestrate【經】 attaching; impound; sequestration
(1) ∶拘禁或扣留被警察扣押的人(2) ∶扣留、壓下不發出扣壓稿件(3) ∶依... >>查看“扣押”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.impound 2.distrain 3.attach 4.distraint 5.distrainment 6.levyupon 7.levyon 8.seizure 9.seize 10.seise 11.sequestration 12.seizing 13.holdincustody 14.attachment 15.detention 16.poind漢語造句:
- 持槍歹徒把兩個孩子扣押在這座建築物里當作人質。The gunman is holding two children hostage in the building.
- 海關扣押了全部的船貨。The custom impound the whole cargo.
- 如果你把汽車停放在那兒,警察就會把它扣押。If you leave your car there, the police will impound it.
- 扣押,拘留拘留的行為The act of detaining.
- 你知道那件轟動一時的毒品扣押案嗎?Do you know the impressive seizures of drugs?