字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>口水的英文翻譯 “口水”的日文翻譯


拼音:kǒu shuǐ


dribble; drool; saliva; slaver; slobber


唾液 >>查看“口水”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 計算機監控系統在峽口水閘中的套用
    Application of Computer Supervision System in Xiakou Water Gate
  2. 垂涎讓口水從口中流出;流口水
    To let saliva run from the mouth; drivel.
  3. 每當我想起北京烤鴨,我就會流口水。”
    Every time I think about Peking Roast Duck, it makes my mouth water."
  4. 重慶江口水電站拱壩壩體變形監測分析
    Analysis on the deformation monitoring data of Jiangkou arch dam
  5. 丹江口水庫浮游生物資源調查
    Plankton Resource Survey of Dan Jiangkou Reservoir
  6. 刷牙比漱口水的效果好。
    Brushing is the more effective of the two.
  7. 口腔中分泌大量的口水和痰如何翻譯為英文?
    Lots of phlegm and saliva is secreted in the mouth?
  8. 藺河口水電站碾壓混凝土配合比設計
    Design of the mix proportion of RCC for Linhekou Hydropower Station
