拼音:kǒu kě英文解釋:
have a cobweb in the throat; thirst; thirstily中文解釋:
口乾想喝水我感到口渴 >>查看“口渴”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 上帝看到我口渴,他創造了百事。He saw me thirsty, he created Pepsi.
- 大量的飲料充分滿足了他的口渴。A long drink sated his thirst
- 我感到疲乏,口渴,等等。I am tired, thirsty, etc.
- 跑完五英里之後,我們都很口渴。After running five miles we had quite a thirst
- 所有這些都讓我感到口渴。All this made me thirsty.
- 我感到口渴。I feel thirsty.
- 劇烈的口渴;劇烈的牙疼。a raging thirst; a raging toothache
- 我由於天熱而口渴。I am thirsty, for the sun is hot.