字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>口齒不清的英文翻譯


拼音:kǒu chǐ bù qīng


a twist in one's tongue; lisp


  1. 那些天生有唇裂或齙牙的人,也許會口齒不清
    2 Those born with a harelip or buckteeth may not be able to speak clearly.
  2. 孩子三、四歲前說話往往口齒不清
    Children usually lisp until they are three of four.
  3. 口齒不清的講話
    a thick speech
  4. 口齒不清的大黃蜂撞上了一個鄉下人別克車的保險槓。
    The bumbling bumblebee bumped the bumper of a bumpkin’s Buick
  5. 口齒不清,無法聽懂他的意思。
    His indistinct speech makes it impossible to understand him.
  6. 藥物使她口齒不清
    The drug made her speak with a slur
  7. 帶有感情的說出的響亮的話(特別是口齒不清時)。
    a loud utterance of emotion (especially when inarticulate)
  8. 口齒不清的大黃蜂撞上了一個鄉下人別克車的保險槓。
    The bumbling bumblebee bumped the bumper of a bumpkin’s Buick.
