字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>口吃的英文翻譯 “口吃”的日文翻譯


拼音:kǒu chī


stammer; impediment; stutter
【醫】 anarthria; anarthria literalis; articulation tic; balbucinate
balbuties; battarism; battarismus; dysarthria literalis; dyslalia
dysphemia; ischnophonia; lingual titubation; logophasia; mogilalia
molilalia; psellism; psellsmus; spasmophemia; St. Vitus' dance of voice
stammer; stammering; stammering speech; stutter; stuttering


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  1. 一顆櫻桃不要分兩口吃 /做事不要拖泥帶水
    Never make two bites of a cherry
  2. 他的口吃越來越厲害了。
    Stammering began to grow on him.
  3. 男孩由於口吃而不敢回答問題。
    The boy dare not answer the questions becoz of his stammer.
  4. 因此,我不相信那些依靠數數來評估口吃嚴重程度的方法。
    So Ido not trust counting measures on how to evaluate severity.
  5. 你切不可因為一個孩子口吃而去取笑他。
    You must never tease a child because he stutters
  6. 我們不可以取笑這個有口吃病的男孩。
    We must not try to play off the boy troubled with a stammer.
  7. 他的口吃毛病使他不宜擔任教職。
    His stammer rendered him unfit for a teaching job
  8. 孩子們取笑這個男孩子,因為他口吃
    The children teased the boy because of his stammer.
