拼音:kōng zǎi英文解釋:
【計】 idling【化】 idleness; no-live load; no-load
【經】 in ballast; weight empty
見“負荷③”(285頁)。(1) (2) 機器或主動機所克服的外界阻力(3) 對... >>查看“空載”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 從空載到滿載轉速降一般為兩赫茲。Typical droop is two cycles in frequency from no load to full load.
- 電力發生器空載電勢波形的分析Analysis of the No-Loading EMF Waveform of Powerformer
- 永磁同步電動機空載電勢最佳取值問題研究On Selection of Back emf of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
- 能量變換器空載電勢波形的計算Calculation of No - load EMF Waveform for Powerformer
- 利用ANSYS求解Powerformer發電機的空載特性Solution of No-Load Characteristics of the Powerformer With ANSYS