拼音:kōng xí 英文解釋:
air attack; air raid; an aerial attack中文解釋:
(1).用飛機、飛彈等對敵方目標進行襲擊。 楊朔 《木棉花》:“空襲剛過,我便爬... >>
查看“空襲”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 以色列當日凌晨空襲加沙,打死2人,其中包括一名平民。
Israeli warplanes launched a raid into Gaza Strip on Monday, killing two.
- 我們已採取措施以防遭到空襲。
We have taken measures to safeguard our city from air attack .
- 他們對敵軍陣地進行空襲。
They made an air strike on the enemy's position.
- 這場空襲造成數千人死的死傷的傷
Thousands suffered death or mutilation as a result of the bomb attacks
- 我們可用空襲騷擾敵人。
We can annoy the enemy by raids .
- 那個小女孩在一次法西斯空襲中成了一枚炸彈的犧牲者。
The little girl fell victim to a bomb in a fascist air raid.
- 敵軍的空襲將整個坦克團完全鉗制住了
A whole tank regiment was completely immobilized by enemy air attacks
- 進行空襲演習;學習乘法表的一項練習
Conducted an air-raid drill; a drill for learning the multiplication tables