拼音:kòng gào英文解釋:
charge; accuse; complain; implead; incriminate; indict【經】 complaint; sue
(1) ∶申述,告訴心思無所控告(2) ∶向國家機關、司法機關告發控告他犯了謀殺... >>查看“控告”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.indictment 2.impeach 3.incriminate 4.inculpation 5.suefor 6.delation 7.implead 8.crimination 9.accusal 10.delate 11.chargewith 12.tosue 13.accuseof 14.bringanactionagainst 15.inculpate中英例句:
- 他控告我擅自進入他的莊園。He accused me of trespassing on his estate.
- 他在有見證人在場的情況下提出了控告。He made the accusation in the presence of witnesses.
- 我被控告醉酒駕駛而要出庭受審。I have to appear in court on a charge of drunken driving.
- 在警察局他被正式控告犯謀殺罪。At the police station, he was formally charged with murder.
- 我要以誹謗罪控告你。I'll sue you for libel.
- 很多人控告法官受賄。Many people impeached the judge for taking bribes.
- 他因阻礙公路交通而受控告。He was charged with obstructing the highway.
- 他控告我姦淫他的妻子。He accused me of screwing his wife.