拼音:kōng dàng dàng英文解釋:
deserted; empty中文解釋:
形容冷冷清清,空無所有的情景,也指心裡沒著落的感覺 >>查看“空蕩蕩”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 住在一個空蕩蕩的農屋裡Lived in a barn of a country house
- 空蕩蕩的食品儲藏室a bare larder
- 在空蕩蕩的舞廳里空洞的腳步聲。the hollow sound of footsteps in the empty ballroom.
- 住在一個空蕩蕩的農屋裡Lived in a barn of a country house.
- 肚子裡空蕩蕩on an empty stomach
- 空蕩蕩的房間,了無裝飾A bare room, innocent of any decoration
- 簡和她的男朋友作過一兩次攀岩。她說當她在數百英尺高處朝下望時,只見腳下空蕩蕩的,嚇得她膽戰心驚。on end when she looks down at hundreds of feet of empty air