拼音:kōng chū xiàn英文解釋:
【計】 vacuous occurrence相關對話:
- 天空出現稀薄的排狀斑紋雲,那預兆天要下雨了。A mackerel sky is a sure sign of rain to come
- 天空出現稀薄的排狀斑紋雲,那預兆天要下雨了。A mackerel sky is a sure sign of rain to come.
- 憑空出現emerge out of the void
- 在比賽開始後,天空出現了一刻彗星。What happened the games began, a comet appeared in the sky
- 雨後,天空出現一道彩虹。After raining, there is a rainbow in the sky