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拼音:kě tiáo jié de


【建】 adjustable


  1. 槓鈴兩端重量可調節的棒,運動或鍛鍊時用來舉重
    A bar with adjustable weights at each end, lifted for sport or exercise.
  2. 這種椅子具有可調節的優點。
    The chair has the virtue of being adjustable.
  3. 三腳架一種可調節的三條腿的支架如支撐經緯儀或照相機的三腳架
    An adjustable three-legged stand, as for supporting a transit or camera
  4. 裡面有可調節的淋浴頭及淋浴噴嘴。
    Inside it there is an adjustable shower head with a shower nozzle
  5. 星座一覽圖天體球的一半或多半在平面圖上的極投影圖,這種圖具有可調節的遮蔽物以顯示在給定時刻和位置可見的恆星
    overlay to show the stars visible at a particular time and place
  6. 槓鈴兩端重量可調節的棒,運動或鍛鍊時用來舉重
    A bar with adjustable weights at each end, lifted for sport or exercise
