拼音:kěn qiú英文解釋:
beseech; entreat; adjure; appeal; plead; supplicate【經】 solicit
懇切地請求她再三解釋,並懇求我等待 >>查看“懇求”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.intreat 2.woo 3.implore 4.obsecration 5.obtest 6.obsecrate 7.plea 8.supplication 9.supplicate 10.suppliance 11.solicitation 12.solicit 13.crave 14.besought 15.thig 16.flagitate相關對話:
- 我懇求他,他連理都不理。He was deaf to my supplications.
- 她懇求我幫她這個忙。She implored me to do her a favor.
- 我們懇求他忍耐。We begged him to forbear.
- 他習慣於發號施令,而不是懇求他人。He was accustomed to command, not to entreat.
- 他懇求她不要發怒。He entreated her not to be angry.
- 他面帶懇求的神態跪在皇帝面前。He knelt in front of the emperor with a look of entreaty.
- 領導對一切懇求都置若罔聞。The leader was deaf to all entreaties.
- 她激昂地抗辯,懇求獲得公正。She made an impassioned plea for justice.