字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>可憐的英文翻譯 “可憐”的日文翻譯


拼音:kě lián


show pity on; painfulness; pity; sorriness


(1) ∶值得憐憫露出一副可憐相(2) ∶數量少或質量壞得不值一提可憐的家產 >>查看“可憐”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 那個可憐的人根本沒有家。
    The poor creature had no family at all.
  2. 他騙去了這可憐的婦人的儲蓄。
    He jockeyed the poor woman out of her savings
  3. 正如低的可憐的電視收視率向我們暗示的那樣,它(比賽)實在槽糕透了。
    As the dismal TV ratings suggest, it was also difficult to watch.
  4. “我還有一位可憐的父親呢,先生。”
    "Say I have a poor father, sir."
  5. 可憐的人漸漸無用了,因而無人想僱傭他。
    The poor man is crocking up, and no one wants to employ him.
  6. 答:不太可能,這些可憐的人們會痛苦的淹死,成為鯊魚的美味。
    A: No The poor souls drown horribly and the sharks feed with gusto!
  7. 可憐的老弗蘭明被貶到會計部門工作。
    Poor old Fleming was kicked downstairs to a job-in accounts.
  8. 那個可憐的孩子沒有買書。
    The poor boy had no money for books.
