拼音:kè kǔ de英文解釋:
assiduous; hardworking; industrious; painstaking; simple and frugal中英例句:
- 葉是一個非常刻苦的孩子,有時候甚至有點工作狂。He is a hard working student, sometimes a workaholic
- 用功的學生極其刻苦的學生A student who works or studies excessively.
- 以挑剔的、刻苦的方式。in a fastidious and painstaking manner
- 難理解的只有經過刻苦的努力才能解決或理解的Solvable or comprehensible only with painstaking effort.
- 刻苦的偵探調查了所有的線索;勤奮的察看檔案。a diligent detective investigates all clues; a diligent search of the files