拼音:kè kòu英文解釋:
embezzle part of what should be issued; skimp中文解釋:
非法扣減應該發給別人的財物剋扣軍餉 >>查看“剋扣”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 不得剋扣或者無故拖欠勞動者的工資。In no circumstance is it allowed to deduct or delay the payment.
- 剋扣軍餉pocket a portion of the soldier's pay
- 公司找到了一個辦法把他的逾時加班費剋扣掉。The firm found a way to chisel him out of his overtime pay.
- 公司找到了一個辦法把他的逾時加班費剋扣掉。The firm found a way to chisel him out of his overtime pay