拼音:kē kè 英文解釋:
acuity; rigor; rigour
過於嚴厲;刻薄這些條件太苛刻,沒法談下去 >>
查看“苛刻”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
ill-usage 2.
rigor 3.
acuity 4.
rigour 漢語造句:
- 絕對命令,單方面的苛刻解決條件單方面強加於某個戰敗方的苛刻解決條件
A harsh, unilaterally imposed settlement with a defeated party.
- 討厭的非常讓人憤怒的,使人非常不快的,苛刻的
Intensely irritating, obnoxious, or harsh.
- 老師待他很苛刻。
The teacher was rough on him.
- 以苛刻的或不仁慈的方式。
in a harsh or unkind manner
- 艱苦的命運;嚴厲的注視著;條件苛刻的買賣人;艱苦的攀登。
a hard fate; took a hard look; a hard bargainer; a hard climb
- 史密斯教授對我們很苛刻,上次考試有好幾個同學沒及格。
Professor Smith was very hard on us and failed several students last time.
- 尖銳的批評;苛刻的交換刻薄的評論。
sharp criticism; a sharp-worded exchange; a tart remark
- 因此我給你安上了苛刻的名字,而誇示我的硬骨。
That is why I gave you hard names and boast of my callous strength.