拼音:kè fú英文解釋:
overcome; put up with; conquer; cope; overpower; vanquish【法】 overcome
(1) ∶收復克服中原(2) ∶用意志和力量去戰勝;制伏克服困難(3) ∶克制她... >>查看“克服”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 要么我們被困難嚇倒,要么我們把困難克服掉。Either we are threatened by the difficulty or we overcome it.
- 我們最後克服了運輸上的困難。We finally solved the difficulty of transportation.
- 他努力克服恐懼心理。He tried to vanquish his fears.
- 要克服一個怕字,要有勇氣。We should overcome our fears.
- 他克服了重重困難,提前完成了任務。Against all the odds, he finished his work ahead of time.
- 杞人憂天的人需要安全感和鼓勵幫助他們克服恐懼。Worrywarts need reassurance and encouragement to overcome their fears.
- 危險是可預測的並且是可以克服的。situations of measurable and surmountable danger.
- 他們能克服任何困難。They are capable of overcoming any difficulty.